Student Park

Student Park, also known as University or Academic Park
The Student Park is located almost in the center of Belgrade, in the immediate vicinity of the main pedestrian zone - Knez Mihailova Street. It is located on the Student Square, surrounded by faculties and buildings of great public importance.

The History of the Student Park
In the area of today's park, during the reign of the Ottoman Empire, there was a Turkish cemetery until the 19th century. After that, part of the current park was occupied by a market. In 1869, the market was shortened, and then completely moved to Jovanova Street, and the freed space was turned into a park. At the end of the 19th century, the park got its first monument, dedicated to Josip Pančić. In the following years, additional work was done on the arrangement of the park, so today you can see the monument to Dositej Obradović, the work of sculptor Rudolf Valdec, which originally adorned Kalemegdan. The Baroque fence and gate of the park were erected during the 20th century. The last renovation of the park was in 2012.

Flora of the Student Park
Although the park is not as large as, for example, Kalemegdan, it hides about 20 species of different trees. The park's oldest tree, a 120-year-old Japanese sophora, was cut down in 2008, but a bench made of wood was installed in its place. It is easy to recognize this bench because it is placed on a large stump of felled wood. Due to the large number of trees, the park is ideal for hiding from the sun. Special tree species are marked with information boards, and among them are ginkgo trees, mountain maple, horse chestnut and sophora trees.

Surroundings of the Student Park
The name of the park comes from the buildings of the faculties that surround it - Philosophy, Philological, Geographical and Mathematical. Across the street from the park is the magnificent building of the Captain-Miša Building, which houses the headquarters of the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade. In the immediate vicinity there is the Ethnographic Museum, the Yugoslav Film Archive and the building of the Kolarac Foundation.

How to get to the Student Park?
On foot: It is only 500 meters away from the Republic Square, so you can reach it on foot, along Vase Čarapića Street.
Public transport: In front of the park there is a bus stop where the following stop:
Trolleybuses: 28, 29, 41
Buses: 22A, E9, 31


  • Belgrade

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